Processing to wedding in embassy UAE: Dubai Expats
We all know that Dubai is one of those places where many people dream to live because of the opportunities this place has to offer. That’s the very reason people from different places from all over the world come and live in Dubai. Along with all the opportunities and better living standards, there is one thing that not many foreigners like about Dubai which is the procedure to marry. Because strictly speaking, it’s not a quick and easy process. If you are from a country that requires you to apply for your marriage in your respective embassy or consulate then keep reading to find the basic requirements and processing to wedding in embassy uae.
Requirements for getting married in the embassy in Dubai
First of all, the requirement to for wedding in the embassy while living in Dubai varies from country to country. Some of the countries require you to submit your wedding request in the embassy in order to validate or legalize it. Moreover, it’s also equally important to make sure if your respective embassy even performs weddings because many of them do not. If it does then you need to make sure that what are the unique requirements of your country’s embassy or consulate by consulting with them.
List of the Requirements!
However, we have come up with a list of the most general and important ones which are as followed:
- Dubai aims to arrest the spread of diseases that can transfer from one person to another such as Aids/HIV, thalassemia, etcetera. That’s why a premarital medical screening test is mandatory for both bride and groom. Moreover, you must obtain the test only from approved and authorized medical facilities such as government hospitals and clinics.
- In Dubai at least one of the spouses must be UAE residents or have an employment visa. In the bride’s case, it can be her guardian or father.
- Original national ID cards that both of the concerned parties must have that also includes the passport’s visa page for expats
- Two witnesses also need to have a passport’s visa page along with their national ID cards
- Many of the embassies also require the presence of bride’s guardian or death certificate if deceased
- A document that informs the current marital status such as divorced, widowed, or single of the couple want to marry
These are some of the general requirements that people from almost all nationalities must comply with. Keep in mind that the UAE has very recently issued new laws. Now you can live together as a couple without a wedding certificate. But you won’t be able to live as a family. For that, you still need to marry. If you have to go with your country’s embassy or consulate then consider meeting the requirements mentioned above.
Concluding Processing to wedding in embassy UAE: Dubai Expats
Although the list of requirements is very long but still it’s certainly possible to marry in Dubai. It’s best for the people who want to continue their lives without taking a break for their wedding. That’s because they can meet all of these requirements steadily as their embassy requires.
If you know someone get married in Dubai Embassy soon, share this information with them to make things easier.