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Laws on UAE marriage and application for a birth certificate online in UAE


The UAE has been revising its laws to depict itself as a modernizing force in a generally conservative region. With foreigners accounting for 90 percent of the country’s population of almost ten million people.

According to WAM, the move “contributes to Abu Dhabi’s standing as a global leading destination for skills and experience from throughout the world.”

Current UAE Laws: Civil marriage in Abu Dhabi for Non-Muslims

Abu Dhabi recently announced civil marriages for Non-Muslims in the UAE under certain conditions. However, what the conditions are; is still fairly uncertain right now.

This is a huge step for UAE as civil marriages are unusual in the Middle East, the birthplace of Islam. And marriages for Christians, and Jewish, are normally performed under the authority of one of the three monotheistic religions.

According to the official WAM, a Canadian couple became the first to marry in Abu Dhabi under a new rule governing non-Muslims’ personal status.

Application for a Birth Certificate Online in the UAE

As part of its ongoing digital transformation initiatives and in conjunction with the Abu Dhabi Government Services platform. “TAMM,” the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH) has announced that birth certificates for babies can now be issued online through the “TAMM” platform.

Following the birth of their child, the parents of newborns will get a communication from the hospital facility. They will not, however, be informed of the registration and login processes until a later date.

They’ll then be instructed to submit the required documents and pay the required fees in order to obtain the certificate.

Anyone who needs extra certificates for past birth dates issued by any of the emirate’s hospitals can use online service.

Final Verdict on getting married in UAE and obtaining a digital birth certificate

While the government has opened the door and made it a lot easier on expat couples. It wouldn’t be this easy always. Every couple is often enough in a different situation and might not have the necessary paperwork and documentation in place.

Hence it’s always advisable to get in touch with an agency such as ours that has handled hundreds of cases with expat couple’s marriages and UAE newborn visas.

Keen to have smooth paperwork for your newborn child minus the challenges; book a consultation with our team of legal experts.

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