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Where can I get legally married out of UAE easily


Dubai is a pot culture of individuals that come together from different countries and nationalities. However; the laws of getting married in Dubai is still tight making it difficult for these couples to tie the knot.

There are many countries today that have opened the door for couples from different races and countries; however the hot favorite to most UAE residents is Georgia. The reason being Georgia makes is extremely easy for couples to get married with the least number of documentation and paperwork.

Georgia is also extremely popular wedding planners who find it extremely hassle free to plan a wedding for their clients; within the fraction of a price in comparison to most GCC countries.

Getting married in Georgia for UAE residents

Marriage is one of the most significant events in one’s life. It is, however, an expensive commitment to make. What are the Georgia marriage requirements that you should be aware of before getting married?

To begin, you’ll need marital prerequisites such as marriage license costs and marriage certificate paperwork. Then, depending on your scenario, you may require additional marriage licenses.

Requirements to get legally married in Georgia easily

When filing for a marriage licence in Georgia, you must ensure that your union is lawful. No one wants to wind up in a sham marriage! It’s critical to be aware of the marital requirements in order to avoid this.

The following are the prerequisites for getting married:

  • A joint written application from the couple planning to marry (to be completed on the spot);
  • Identity documents of the people who are getting married;
  • Both parties must be at least 18 years old before seeking for a marriage licence, which is one of the marriage criteria. If either party is under the age of 18, parental consent or court approval will be required to get a marriage licence.
  • If one of the spouses is under the age of marriage, they may be eligible to obtain a marriage licence with the consent of their parent or legal guardian. This will still necessitate parental consent documents, as well as court clearance in some cases. You might not be able to receive your marriage licence if you don’t have these marriage prerequisites on hand!
  • Documents proving the identity of the marriage witnesses;
  • A document that certifies the end of a previous marriage (in case it is a second marriage for a person).

If you are a UAE resident; deciding in which place you can get married legally without much hassle; we recommend Georgia. Book a consultation with our team to find out more.

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