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How to Get Married in Dubai for Indian?

How to Get Married in Dubai for Indian?


According to 2016 statistics out of 203 marriages solemnized in the UAE consulate and 76 of them were between an Indian and a foreign national. It means that a large quantity of Indian expats are living in Dubai and they need to follow and complete a certain set of formalities in order to marry in Dubai. Today, we are going to discuss some of the most important things that every Indian national living in Dubai wants to know to get married. So, without any further ado, let straight jump into it.

Fundamental Requirement for the Intended Marriage

Notice for Duly filled-in form for intended marriage

A declaration by both the bride and the groom

Duly attested sworn affidavit by the Indian consulate required from both the bride and the groom

Several (Generally four) identical passport size pictures by both of the spouses. At least one of the spouses must be on a residency visa as well.

Two Indian nationals with their original and valid passport as well as copies as eyewitnesses

If one of the spouses is not an Indian national, s/he will need to provide a No Objection Certificate (NOC) with respect to his/her marital status and consent to marry an Indian national. The respective consulate or embassy issues it of the person who needs the NOC. Moreover, the UAE’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs must attest it.

All the people must be physically present on the day of the wedding before the marriage registrar or officer for signatures along with the mentioned documents. The witnesses and the couple must be present physically, both at the time of the form’s submission and the time of solemnization. However, you would only need to present the passport copies at the form submission.

Once they have submitted the forms, the Indian spouse will have to publish the news in the English newspaper advertisement as well as in the English newspaper concerning India. It will be containing the full text that the consulate will provide.

Procedure to Marry in Consulate for Indians

Both the bride and the Groom must appear physically before the marriage registrar along with the witnesses

First, they must submit their prescribed Notice for Duly filled-in form for intended marriage. You also need to pay the required fee in cash. This form contains the sworn affidavit, declaration, and notice.

Then the consulate provides the format for publication in the newspaper

The couple is also provided with the date of marriage solemnization once they provide the consulate with NOC and the publication of notice

The couple along with the witnesses will need to visit the consulate one day before the marriage solemnization. They’ll need to submit their original passports to the marriage registrar.

Then they will finally need to come to the consulate to the marriage officer on the scheduled day.

Final Word on How to Get Married in Dubai for Indians!

These were some of the most important requirements to get married in Dubai for Indian nationals. According to your unique situations, the consulate might ask you for additional documents as well. We hope that this guide will help you to prepare for your marriage more efficiently.

If you have an Indian friend who wants to marry in Dubai, then share this article with him/her.

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