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UAE Visa Amnesty For Undocumented Children 2024

UAE Visa Amnesty For Undocumented Children 2024


This is the last chance for parents to take advantage of the visa amnesty program announced by the UAE to regularize their undocumented children. Previously, the visa amnesty program started on 01 September 2024 and was valid until October. 

However, the good news is that the UAE has extended its visa amnesty program for an additional two months. The new deadline for the UAE visa amnesty scheme is now December 31, 2024. Once the timelines end parents with undocumented children can face high fines. So, it is best to take advantage of the extended visa amnesty and regularize your undocumented children. 

UAE visa amnesty

Similarly, individuals who don’t have valid residency in the UAE and want to get married can also take advantage of this visa amnesty program to legalize themselves and marry. 

UAE Amnesty Scheme 2024 Latest News

There is some more good news for the illegal expats living in the UAE. The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Ports Security (ICP) has announced a two-month extension of the UAE visa amnesty program 2024. The UAE visa amnesty program which was expected to end on 31 October has now extended for two more months. 

ICP Director General Maj-Gen Suhail Saeed Al Khaili on  UAE’s 53rd Union Day celebrations stated that the extension in the UAE Visa amnesty program 2024 highlights the country’s humanitarian and civilised values. 

This extension in the UAE Visa amnesty program might be the last chance for illegal expats living in the country to regularize their status or leave the country without paying any fines. Khalili stated that fines would be reinstated for those living illegally in the country once the specific date of UAE visa amnesty passes. 

Last Chance for Parents to Regularize their Undocumented Children In UAE

The recent extension of the UAE visa amnesty program offers a critical opportunity for parents with undocumented children to regularize their status without incurring fines. 

With the UAE visa amnesty program initially scheduled to end on October 31 and now extended for two more months, this may be the final window for families to secure their children’s legal documentation. Families struggling with high fines and residency issues have found relief through this program, which allows them to either legalize their residency or exit the country without penalties. 

UAE Visa Amnesty For Undocumented Children

One recent success story includes a Pakistani family with over Dh300,000 in fines, who were able to set things right through the UAE visa amnesty program.

Read More: Who Can Take Part in the visa amnesty?

Why Parents Should Take Advantage of the UAE Amnesty 2024

  • Avoid high overstay fines and penalties.
  • Ensure children can legally access education and healthcare.
  • Protect family unity by securing residency for all members.
  • Prevent potential future travel bans and legal complications.
  • Simplify the path to legal employment and economic stability in the UAE.
  • This amnesty is a rare chance to overcome residency issues without financial burdens, ensuring a brighter future for undocumented children and their families.

How Parents Can Regularize Their Undocumented Children?

Parents who have not created any birth certificate or other necessary documents to regularize their children can now take advantage of the extension in the visa extension announced by the UAE.

EasyWedding Dubai’s expert team of professionals can help parents get their baby’s birth certificate once they acquire a visa or residency through the visa amnesty program. Parents who don’t regularize their undocumented children can bear heavy fines.  We can help you get your baby’s birth certificate  by offering: 

  1. Initial Consultation
  2. Submission of Requirements 
  3. Documents Translation
  4. Mofa Attestation
  5. Documents Examination and preparation
  6. Follow Up Support
  7. Certificate Delivery

Parents Clear Dh300,000 Fines in UAE Amnesty

A Pakistani family of five, facing over Dh300,000 in fines, found relief through the UAE’s visa amnesty. Their youngest child, undocumented since birth, had never held legal papers in the UAE. The father, once a businessman, was caught in financial troubles, unable to secure new work or sponsor his family, leading to years of overstaying.

Desperate to resolve their status, the mother found employment and was able to sponsor their children. Through the amnesty, the family cleared their debts and secured legal residency, transforming their lives. The UAE’s amnesty program, now extended, has provided thousands with a chance for a fresh start.

Can a couple with an expired visa get married in the UAE? 

No, a couple with an expired visa can’t get married in the UAE. It is the best time for undocumented couples to take advantage of the amnesty program in UAE to legalize themselves. Once regularized, they can do civil marriage, religious marriage, or ceremonial wedding based on their preference in the UAE. 

Can I get married in UAE once I get residency through the visa amnesty program 2024 in UAE?

Yes, anyone who has recently gotten residency through the UAE visa amnesty program can get married in the UAE. The amnesty program allows individuals with expired visas to regularize their status and obtain residency, making them eligible for marriage registration. 

UAE visa amnesty for couples

The different types of marriages the couple can do in UAE including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah are : 

  1. Court Marriages
  2. Wedding Ceremonies 
  3. Sharia and Religious Marriages
  4. Online Wedding

Has the UAE amnesty been extended?

Yes, the  Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Ports Security (ICP) has announced a two-month extension in Visa amnesty for those living illegally in the country. The visa amnesty program will now end on 31, December, 2024.

Who is not eligible for visa Amnesty? 

Those who have entered the country illegally, recent visa violators, deportation visa violators, and serious criminal offenders are not eligible for the visa amnesty scheme 2024 announced by the UAE.  

Can I remove my overstay fines in the UAE? 

Yes, the new visa amnesty program announced by the UAE government allows residents with overstay fines to legalize their status or leave the country without facing any penalty. 

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